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How to Become Tech Savvy

Technology is the fastest growing field right now and there's no sign of stopping anytime soon. Being a tech savvy is not an impossible task, but it is definitely required time and energy to master the basic. No matter what your reason is for wanting to become tech savvy (not geek per se), a self-assessment is always a good way to start. If you know the make up of a computer inside out; you can read the specifications of a CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, SSD and understand them; you are skilled at navigating your way through Windows operating systems, Mac OS X, Linux; you’re done any programming such C/C++, C#, Java, Python, or web programming like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySql; then chances are you are not a beginner. Whether you are a beginner or not, becoming savvy with technology requires enthusiasm and a lot of dedication. The following steps are ways you can begin this exciting adventure.
How to Become Tech Savvy How to Become Tech Savvy Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 6:25:00 AM Rating: 5

