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Deutsche Boerse chief under investigation

Deutsche Börse announced on Wednesday that the prosecutor in Frankfurt had opened an investigation into the purchase of company shares held by the CEO, Carsten Kengeter, in December 2015.

The German stock exchange operator said program purchases remuneration of the Executive Committee members and Carsten Kengeter fully cooperate with investigators were connected.

archival documents published 16 December 2015 show that Carsten Kengeter purchased a total of 60,000 shares for a total of about 4.5 million (4.8 million) of euro in three separate operations on 14 December.

Deutsche Börse and the London Stock Exchange two months after they announced their intention to merge, which has had the effect of increasing the share price.
Deutsche Boerse chief under investigation Deutsche Boerse chief under investigation Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 1:14:00 PM Rating: 5

