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Twint es Un Millon de usuarios

Twint not afraid of payment blocking offensive in the field of mobile payments in Switzerland.

"Already today, many people do almost everything with their smart phones," said Thierry Kneissler in an interview published Monday in Le Temps. There is no reason why they do not want to pay with your phone. "Our goal is to Twint reaches 1 million users in Switzerland within one or two years."

The launch of the new application of mobile payment, however, was delayed. originally scheduled for the end of November 2016, which was delayed until April 2017. integration Twint have five to ten banks. Now that I'm finally 39 institutions participating in the system, says Kneissler.

No virtual currency

UBS will join the system in April. Raiffeisen, Credit Suisse and Zurich Cantonal Bank will be incorporated in the month of May. The entire integration process will be completed in the second quarter, says Kneissler.

The new application will be linked directly to the user's bank account. direct payments between individuals will also be available. loyalty cards will be integrated.
Twint es Un Millon de usuarios Twint es Un Millon de usuarios Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 1:11:00 PM Rating: 5

