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Oculus Technologies refused flights

The company Oculus VR, a junior member of Facebook during a trial in Texas, was found guilty on Wednesday. He accused another company of using the ZeniMax stolen technology to plan Rift headphones.

According to a court certificate seen by the jury AFP, I am in a different compensation to pay $ 500 million in total (approximately equivalent to franc). That amount ZeniMax has defended $ 4 billion, the end of the video game specialist is significantly less than that.

Shortly after ZeniMax announced that it had bought about $ 2 billion in Facebook, in 2014, he found out against Oculus.

In stance, ZeniMax said that its patents, computer codes and virtual reality are used by some former employees of some of their technical skills. This past year, the virtual reality headphone has played a central role in the development of the Rift qu'Oculus market.


According to ZeniMax, Facebook should be aware when he decides to take Oculus. When I called the bar from the founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg, I tried to push him to recognize that lawyers ZeniMax was in a hurry to sign a sales contract without necessarily doing all the necessary depth assessments.

Oculus said that since the complaint was "unfounded" from the beginning, ZeniMax said that his technologies have made any contribution. During the hearing, the defense stated that the "jealous" success of the application, in particular, is the acquisition by Oculus and Facebook. They advocated filing a complaint filing schedule that showed that the social networking was motive in hopes of getting money from the pocket.

In the end, the jury was not found guilty for the same Facebook. Along with this, copyright infringement and Oculus abandon the house, which will protect many charges, including violation of the contract against its founder Palmer Luckey and Brendan Iribe and against John Carmack, an engineer who has worked before a company ZeniMax Oculus.

Oculus and the increased reality Facebook is now part of the future space for experimentation that is heavily invested. The game is one of the company's first goals, but Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly expressed the view of virtual reality on the next host platform, including communication, education or business applications.
Oculus Technologies refused flights Oculus Technologies refused flights Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 11:50:00 PM Rating: 5

