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With Trump, L'OMT fears a drop in tourism

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) today condemned the United decree terminate your access to the United States for citizens of seven countries with a Muslim majority, they fear that the measure would reduce the flow of tourists to the country.

World Tourism Organization, the United Nations agency based in Madrid, "expresses a deep concern and strong condemnation of the ban, recently announced that enter the United States for citizens of seven countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen), "in a statement on Wednesday.

The decree refers to "the image of a country that imposes restrictions on travel that will undoubtedly affect visitors from around the world and travel demand will decline in the United States," World tourist destination warns Jordanian Taleb Rifai, director of the agency said in a statement. "The isolation and discrimination, rather than increase security, growing tensions and threats" around the world, he added Rifai.

"discriminatory" measure

The decree signed on January 27 by President Donald Trump, the suspension of the entry into the United States for citizens of seven countries for at least three months in order to prevent "the entry of foreign terrorists," he has caused many protests.

Many governments are indignant if a measure considered "discriminatory" and the Secretary General of the UN Guterres publicly doubted its effectiveness.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) also protested against blur surrounding the application of the measure, such as "increased the burden on the airlines."
With Trump, L'OMT fears a drop in tourism With Trump, L'OMT fears a drop in tourism Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 1:39:00 PM Rating: 5

