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Emmi sales decrease 2016

Emmi recorded 32.6 billion francs, a sales increase of 1.4% last year. Purified for currency effects and purchases, Switzerland sold a number of dairy products, but fell by 1%.

This result is due to low sales at a significant level of 1.79 billion francs, Swiss section organic (-2.9%), the group said Thursday Lucerne. The US region increased by 865.6 million or 2.8%, while European units decreased by 0.21% to 519 million.

These results are a little lower than analysts' estimates. The financial agency AWP reached a consensus of 3.28 billion francs and organic -0.2%.

As the deceleration Brexit Emmi said, Switzerland and its imports from economic uncertainties can be attributed to fading tourism shopping, which is increasing. The price of milk also fell globally.

Retained estimates

The economic environment and framework conditions within the group have remained reasonably conservative, with the result of the 2016 operation (EBIT) in August, when we were passing through Emmi, especially between 185 and 195 million francs.

The group will provide additional information on the prospects for 2017 with the publication of detailed data on March 22nd.
Emmi sales decrease 2016 Emmi sales decrease 2016 Reviewed by ramadane 2019 on 11:39:00 PM Rating: 5

